The Juggling Act: Unveiling the presentation pitfalls of Highly Educated Expats and Dutch Professionals. Back in the days (2008), when I started to train “Presentation Skills” for highly educated professionals, in this case PhD. Students at the Maastricht University. I was sometimes taken aback by the poor quality. I expected these students to be rather……… Lees verder >
For all Expats and Dutch Professionals: Let your presentation run like clockwork! Summer school.
For all Expats and Dutch Professionals: Let your presentation run like clockwork! Summer school. “Oiling the cogs, so that they work smoothly together”. This is in essence what I do as a presentation skills trainer for highly educated Expats and Dutch professionals. If they all work smoothly together, the clock strikes. Deep and clear. You……… Lees verder >
What I think this poll is telling us.
From misleading information to true development. Last week I did a poll, with the following question: what is your biggest challenge when giving a presentation? As you can see “presenting clearly and engagingly” is the biggest challenge for most people, while “preparing effectively” in on the last place. Although this is a truly small poll,……… Lees verder >
Beyond the Stereotype: Unleashing the Potential of Entertaining Presentations with Real Substance”
Beyond the Stereotype: Unleashing the Potential of Entertaining Presentations with Real Substance” When we see a presenter with a smooth presentation performance. A presentation that is not dense with information, we (Dutchies) sometimes tend to distrust the speaker. It is too superficial, not professional, and thereby not credible. It is a bit American. Sorry, Americans……… Lees verder >
“Mastering the Waves: Unleashing Speed, Skill, and Joy with a Pro Surf Mentor”
“Mastering the Waves: Unleashing Speed, Skill, and Joy with a Pro Surf Mentor” There I was surfing the Thagazout waves of Morocco. Effortlessly, balancing my board, taking in the exhilarating feeling of riding the waves. Moving with the waves under me. The bay that we were surfing in was enclosed by huge rocks. I felt……… Lees verder >
“Presenting with Confidence: How Expat Professionals Can Stay on Track and stay focused with the right Preparation and a Positive Mindset”
“Presenting with Confidence: How Expat Professionals Can Stay on Track and stay focused with the right Preparation and a Positive Mindset” Many participants in my courses have the experience that when they present, they tend to deviate from their plan or lose track. They meander to parts that are maybe linked to their idea or……… Lees verder >
“Presentation Skills for Expats: Why You Shouldn’t Let Unconstructive Feedback Dim Your Shine”
“Presentation Skills for Expats: Why You Shouldn’t Let Unconstructive Feedback Dim Your Shine” Approximately half a year ago, I was moderating several mock sessions, that really got me wondering about the balance between adjusting to your audience and staying close to yourself. A mock session is like a final rehearsal in the theatre. After a……… Lees verder >
BECOMING a charismatic speaker.
BECOMING a charismatic speaker. Hoe schroef jij je charisma op als je spreekt? We denken vaak dat sommige mensen eenvoudigweg de MAGIE hebben. Ze zijn charismatisch. Mensen willen dicht bij ze zijn, willen zaken met ze doen en tijd met ze spenderen. Vaak kunnen we lang luisteren naar charismatisch sprekers. We geloven dat ze ermee geboren……… Lees verder >
BECOMING a charismatic speaker.
BECOMING a charismatic speaker. We often think that certain people just have the magic. They are super charismatic. People want to be close to them, do business with them and spend time with them. (We often can listen for long periods of time to charismatic speakers). We feel that they are born with it and……… Lees verder >
CAN YOU MARRY EXCELLENT KNOWLEDGE WITH EXCELLENT PRESENTING SKILLS? Or is this only reserved for the talented happy few? Can your highly educated employees with a lot of knowledge and expertise transform from unclear, hesitant, struggling presenters to more confident, clear and engaging ones? Or in other words can you marry excellent knowledge with excellent……… Lees verder >