How to be an excellent presenter? LET GO! Be PRESENT and get out of your Worrying or Thinking CLOUD. Imagine Ronald. While, presenting Ronald was a bit stiff, frozen almost. Feet glued to the floor, hands on his back, a bit of a monotonous voice and his eyes were turned up to the ceiling most……… Lees verder >
Tips for presenters
Will you solve & balance the PARADOX of excellent presenting in 2022?
Will you solve & balance the PARADOX of excellent presenting in 2022? In my view most speakers fall roughly in two groups. Only a handful of a speakers know to transcend these groups and solve the paradox of excellent presenting. The reason only a handful of speakers know to transcend these groups and become truly excellent speakers……… Lees verder >
To more grip, impact and presenting success!
To more grip, impact and presenting success! On a regular basis I give training or coach people who, unfortunately, did not have such a pleasant presenting experience. They either did not leave a professional impression at a conference, or a client presentation did not go well. Likewise, a few weeks ago. I was giving training……… Lees verder >
Hoe meer grip, impact en presenteer plezier krijgen?
Hoe meer grip, impact en presenteer plezier krijgen? Vrij regelmatig geef ik training of coach ik mensen die helaas niet zo’n fijne presenteer ervaring achter de rug hebben. Ze hebben geen professionele indruk achtergelaten op een congres en balen daarvan. Of de presentatie is niet helemaal goed gegaan tijdens een klant presentatie. Zo ook een……… Lees verder >
Change your attitude towards your presentation nerves and they will lose control over you……
Change your attitude towards your presentation nerves and they will lose control over you …… Often people that I coach write in their intake form that they would like to “fight” , “to eliminate” or “combat” their presentation nerves. Their use of the verbs “fight”, “eliminate”, “combat” sounds like true war language! Unfortunately, this……… Lees verder >
How Kamala Harris reduces her presentation nerves.
How Kamala Harris reduces her presentation nerves. In my previous blog I described how Kamala Harris gathered with some teenage girls after one of her public speaking performances. One of the girls approached Kamala with the question: “How are you so good (in public speaking)?” Kamala answered: Think “It is not about you”. What does……… Lees verder >
What can we learn from Kamala Harris about powerful presenting? It is not about you!
What can we learn from Kamala Harris about powerful presenting? It is not about you! Some time ago I saw some endearing footage on youtube. In this footage a group of enthusiastic giggling teenagers gather around Kamala Harris. Kamala had just given a presentation and one of the girls asks her in admiration: “How are……… Lees verder >
Why presenting convincingly is so easy, yet not simple.
Why presenting convincingly is so easy, yet not simple.. Sometimes it feels like you are winning the Jackpot as a Presentation Skills trainer. I was lucky to experience this last week. What happened? It started with one Ph.D. student, daring to embrace the experiment and feeling confident enough to let go and trust upon her……… Lees verder >
Hoe je snel en goed een presentatie in elkaar zet: het Ikea verhaal!
Hoe je snel en goed een presentatie in elkaar zet….. het Ikea verhaal! Een tijdje geleden gaf ik training aan een groepje ingenieurs. Het ging over het voorbereiden van een presentatie en hoe je dat effectief en efficiënt kunt aanpakken. Vervolgens kom ik dan met een paradoxale boodschap, namelijk dat je eerst je verhaal, doel,……… Lees verder >
Wat kan Dolly Parton ons leren over presenteren? Heel veel blijkt!
Wat kan Dolly Parton ons leren over presenteren? Heel veel blijkt! Een tijdje geleden bekeek ik een oud gesprek tussen Dolly Parton en Kenny Rogers. De veteranen bespraken hun lange carrière en er werden een paar interessante openbaringen gedeeld. I hou van Dolly Parton. De “over the top” outfits, het enorme haar, de lange nagels,……… Lees verder >