The paradox of excellent presenting for highly educated professionals revealed! One of the biggest misconceptions around excellent presenting is that you need to have talent for it, or that you need to be an extravert to do well in this area. After 10 years working day in and out in this field, I can tell……… Lees verder >
Tips for presenters
Take a look into the mirror.
Take a look into the mirror. When training Presentation Skills I often emphasize the importance of “practicing out loud”. Sometimes, the participants can experience the deep value of it themselves during a training, as was the case last week. The first time that Iwan does the exercise, giving a very small 1-minute presentation, it takes……… Lees verder >
Kijk het beest in de bek.
Kijk het beest in de bek. No guts, no glory In de vorige nieuwsbrief hebben we gezien dat het inzetten van zoveel mogelijk zintuigen (horen, voelen, zien, en figuurlijk proeven) als een snelweg fungeert om jouw presentatie inhoud te integreren en kwalitatief beter te worden. Dat betekent hardop oefenen en in de spiegel kijken ;-).……… Lees verder >
Kijk eens wat vaker in de spiegel.
Kijk eens wat vaker in de spiegel. In mijn trainingen benadruk ik altijd het belang van “hardop oefenen” voor presentaties. Vaak zien de cursisten zelf al in een training hoe dit werkt, zoals afgelopen week. De eerste keer dat Iwan een oefening doet, lees een kleine presentatie geeft, is het nog moeizaam. Er zijn veel……… Lees verder >
How to present like a top consultant?
How to present like a top consultant? Watch the 4,5 minute footage wherein I explain the two concepts that are responsible for the iron-strong presentations of top consultants. Are you a consultant and interested in learning how to apply this in one day? So, that it becomes much easier for you to prepare, present……… Lees verder >
And the Winner is………
Winner of 5-days Challenge: “the 5 steps of a persuasive talk in a jiffy.” As you might remember, I invited you to take part or simply read the 5-days challenge some weeks ago. In this challenge you could learn the 5-steps of a persuasive talk: 1) The situation. 2) The point. 3) The 3 WHY……… Lees verder >
How to present like a McKinsey consultant?
How to present like a McKinsey consultant? When you make a presentation, you have one goal (irrespective of who your public is): to make it as easy as possible for your audience to understand what you are telling them. As if this task alone is not daunting enough, consultants (and other professionals that have a……… Lees verder >
Wat maakt de presentaties van grote consultancy firms zoals McKinsey, PwC en Deloite zo goed?
Wat maakt de presentaties van grote consultancy firms zoals McKinsey, PwC en Deloite zo goed? Als je een presentatie maakt heb je 1 doel, ongeacht je publiek. En dat is om het zo makkelijk mogelijk voor jouw publiek te maken te begrijpen wat jij vertelt. Alsof dat al niet genoeg is, hebben met name consultants……… Lees verder >
Step 05: 5-day challenge “the 5 steps of a persuasive talk in a jiffy”
Step 05: 5-day challenge “the 5 steps of a persuasive talk in a jiffy.” Time: 20 minutes Goal: become a super sharp persuasive speaker. Are you ready for the final step? You have already used up your entire hand, so what is this final step about? You’ve used your fist for “The Situation”. Your thumb……… Lees verder >
Step 04: 5-day challenge “the 5 steps of a persuasive talk in a jiffy”
Step 04: 5-day challenge “the 5 steps of a persuasive talk in a jiffy.” Time: 20 minutes Goal: become a super sharp persuasive speaker. Are you ready for step 04? Now you have one finger left: your pinkie. (After the point you’ve made and the 3 arguments). Your pinkie is reserved for your contra argument.……… Lees verder >