Why having a helicopter view is so important for presenting… Once in a while, I feel like I am being struck with lightening! Do you know that feeling? You read something and you think, yeay this is it! You intuitively feels that something like “ the truth” hits you in the face. Yesterday I experienced……… Lees verder >
Tips for presenters
Waarom PowerPoint vaak net een slecht gemixte cocktail is
Waarom PowerPoint vaak net een slecht gemixte cocktail is Vraag je jezelf weleens verwonderd af, waarom zaken op een bepaalde manier gedaan worden? Je denkt, het is toch veel logischer om het anders aan te pakken, zodat het veel beter werkt. Je vraagt je af, waarom deze gewoonte aanhoudt, terwijl het zo veel gemakkelijker en……… Lees verder >
Why PowerPoint slides are often used as a badly mixed cocktail.
Why PowerPoint slides are often like a badly mixed cocktail. Do you sometimes wonder in astonishment why things are done a particular way? Why it seems so incredible logical to do it another way, so it would be far more effective? You wonder why people keep doing it, although, according to you, it is……… Lees verder >
Hoe vrouwen zichzelf met woorden ondermijnen
Hoe vrouwen zichzelf met woorden ondermijnen Vorige week presenteerde Pieter zich voor de groep. Het was een opvallende presentatie, omdat Pieter (een man dus) typisch “lage status” gedrag vertoonde. Gedrag wat nu juist vaak door vrouwen vertoond wordt. Pieter stond niet recht voor zijn publiek, maar met zijn schouder gedraaid en een voet naar achteren.……… Lees verder >
How women undermine themselves with words
How women undermine themselves with words Last week Pieter presented himself in front of the group. It was conspicuous, since Pieter showed typical low-status behaviour that usually women display. Peter dodged, not standing right in front of the audience. He ended most of his sentences with the tone of his voice going up, as if……… Lees verder >
Training at the University of Maastricht
Last week I trained, together with my colleague John, 2 groups of Phd’s from the University of Maastricht. It was great fun, the group down below consisted of an American, Brazilian, Indonesian, Spanish and a German participant.
…...... Lees verder >How do you build the information in your presentation?
How do you build the information in your presentation? More than once people ask me what the best way is to build your information? Or in other words, what would be the best lay-out for a presentation? Beside the fact that a presentation should at least contain a beginning, middle and ending, there is no……… Lees verder >
Why we need Head and Earth in a presentation?
Why we need Head and Earth in a presentation? For 5 minutes the whole class was trying to get some grip. Some of us already tuned out. Others were trying very hard to get to grips with what this presentation was actually about. What was happening here? This presenter was not bad at all. Good……… Lees verder >
The truth drug: your non-verbal behaviour
The truth drug: your non-verbal behaviour Is there something that gives you away during a presentation? Something you’re not really conscious about? But that seeps through, some way or another? If there is something that leads us to the truth, it is often our body. Our non-verbal behaviour. The body does not lie. Words may……… Lees verder >
Look at your presentation as a piece of music
Look at your presentation as a piece of music One of the ways to make sure your audience will stay tuned in is to regard your presentation as a piece of music. This of course is not a “stand alone” thing. The kind of “music” you use, should be related to your text, or it will not make sense……… Lees verder >