How a Bold Decision led to my journey as a Presentation Skills Teacher.
On one particular night in 2008 I was twisting and turning in my bed. Thousands of questions popped up in my mind. How could I have put myself in this postion? What will happen tomorrow? Will I fail desperately?
Not knowing back then and there that this decision would eventually lead to a whole new career path.
“If I could assist a Presentation Skills trainer for the Maastricht University as co trainer”, was the question on the other end of the line. Since the university wanted to become international, all the trainings had to be delivered in English. They thought I could be a good candidate.
Contrary to my nature, I stated that I had experience with Presentation Skills (not really ;-)) and that it would be no problem. Simply, because I wanted to do it so badly.
But, my oh my, how I freaked out the night before…….
After a broken night, not having slept a wink. I showed up and met John the head trainer. The day went by in a flash and although it felt at times uneasy, it was fun and felt quite natural. I really fell into place, working with John and the international students into this subject.
On my way back, the 2,5 train ride back to Amsterdam, I wondered why it all had felt so natural and rather easy. I realized in retrospect that a lot of the things that I had done in the past, really fitted this subject and situation.
As a student I had worked as a guide on a Amsterdam canalboat, I had studied English as a major for my study European studies and had studied one year at the Wittenberg University in the US.
Put into it my 5 years working as a IT consultant, giving a lot of trainings, workshops, presentations travelling all over Europe, getting into touch with different cultures.
And finally, finishing a yearlong study at the School of Training. Learning how to teach people skills.
This you could say, prepared me for exactly this specific, kind of training. Training Presentation Skills in English to all kinds of nationalities.
Long story short. I worked for 8 years with John, learning so much from him and all the Maastricht University students.
5 years later I started “Presenting with Impact”.
So, if you want something badly. Trust your gut. Although it might totally freak you out later ;-). Often, it means it is the right leap for you!